Best Gratitude Journal Prompts in 2023

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Gratitude is a state of mind that can be cultivated and practiced. It's a way of living where you are happy with what you have, not focused on what you don't have. Gratitude helps to shift your focus from negative to positive experiences, which in turn creates a more positive outlook on life. Being grateful doesn't mean you are always happy and have no problems. It simply means that you are aware of the good things in your life and that you appreciate them. Practicing gratitude has many benefits, including improved mental and physical health, increased happiness, reduced stress levels, and better sleep quality. One of the best ways to begin cultivating gratitude is to recognize and appreciate the little things in your life. Get started with these gratitude journal prompts for inspiration!

85 Gratitude Journal Prompts

What is one good thing that happened to me today?

Open Prompt

What is one of the best compliments I have received? How did that make me feel?

Open Prompt

What is one of my favorite ways to spend time with my child(ren)?

Open Prompt

What is a happy moment I remember from my childhood?

Open Prompt

What is one thing my child(ren) did today that I want to remember?

Open Prompt

What is my favorite holiday tradition? What do I love about it?

Open Prompt

What gifts am I excited to give this holiday season?

Open Prompt

Who do I love in my life?

Open Prompt

What is one thing that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic that I want to keep in my life?

Open Prompt

What is the best professional compliment I have received?

Open Prompt

What am I most looking forward to working on next week?

Open Prompt

When do I feel most confident?

Open Prompt

When do I remember feeling appreciated?

Open Prompt

What activity or hobby would I miss if I couldn't do it anymore?

Open Prompt

What lessons did I learn in the past year?

Open Prompt

I am most proud of . . .

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Do I miss anything from home?

Open Prompt

What is a physical feature of mine that I like?

Open Prompt

What qualities do I bring to a friendship?

Open Prompt

What is one of my favorite hobbies, and why?

Open Prompt

Who do I trust with my most painful and upsetting feelings?

Open Prompt

What small or big win in my work can I celebrate today?

Open Prompt

What is something I can do for myself today?

Open Prompt

Was there anything in my day that made me thankful?

Open Prompt

What can I be thankful for that I take for granted in my day-to-day life?

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What made me laugh today?

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What do I consider my greatest professional success?

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What qualities do I admire in my parents?

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What is one of my favorite family memories?

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What food or meal is a favorite from my childhood?

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Who is someone I look up to, and why?

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What is something I can thank myself for?

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What were my favorite things about the destination?

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What is something I love to do on cold winter nights?

Open Prompt

What is the best thing that happened today?

Open Prompt

What do I most enjoy about the holidays?

Open Prompt

Is there anyone that deserves a big "thank you"?

Open Prompt

What activity do I enjoy doing with a friend?

Open Prompt

What is my favorite holiday movie, and why?

Open Prompt

How does my significant other make me feel loved?

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What made me smile today?

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What do I consider my greatest personal success?

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What is one of my key learnings from the past year?

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Who were the most important people in my life in the past year?

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What was one of the most fun moments of my life?

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What am I grateful for at work?

Open Prompt

What activity, behavior, or perspective did I discover on my trip that I would like to adopt back home?

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What is one of my favorite trips or vacations?

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Who is someone I would like to treat better?

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What is one book that has influenced me significantly?

Open Prompt

What were the funniest moments from my trip?

Open Prompt

What is something I am good at? What makes me good at it?

Open Prompt

What do I want to celebrate from the past year?

Open Prompt

What is one of my favorite holidays, and why?

Open Prompt

What is one of my favorite aspects of being a parent?

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Did I learn anything about myself while on the trip?

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What is one way that technology enhances my productivity?

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What was one of the best meals I ate on the trip?

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What is something I love now that I could never have imagined I would like in the past?

Open Prompt

Remember a time when I was happy, and write about it.

Open Prompt

What am I grateful for today?

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What am I most excited about in the new year?

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What was it like to buy my first home?

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How did I grow in the past year?

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When was the last time I laughed uncontrollably?

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When do my significant other and I have the most fun?

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When am I most at peace?

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What do I like about traveling by plane?

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How does my car make my life better?

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Where have I been that feels like a home away from home?

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How does my pet make my life better?

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What is something I admire in one of my friends?

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What is something that my significant other and I have in common?

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What is one thing I am most grateful for from the past year?

Open Prompt

What can I learn from a mistake I have made?

Open Prompt

Was there anything in my day that made me excited?

Open Prompt

What would make my younger self proud of me now?

Open Prompt

What is one way I add value to the world?

Open Prompt

Who did I feel close to today, even for only a moment?

Open Prompt

What is something I am grateful for about myself?

Open Prompt

What music am I thankful to be able to listen to, and why?

Open Prompt

What is one lesson I learned from the last book I read?

Open Prompt

Where is one of my favorite places to be with my significant other?

Open Prompt

Who was my favorite teacher?

Open Prompt

What is one thing I admire about my significant other?

Open Prompt

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