Best Mindfulness Journal Prompts in 2025

Mindfulness Journal Prompts

Mindfulness is the ability to be fully aware of your thoughts, actions, and surroundings in the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or stressing about the future. It’s about living in the here and now and not getting caught up in your own thoughts. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can develop habits that help you slow down and be more intentional about what you’re doing instead of going through the motions and reacting to everyday situations without thinking. It brings many benefits, such as reduced stress and anxiety, increased empathy and connection with others, and improved self-confidence. But it can be hard to implement mindfulness practice daily, especially if you’re new to it. That’s where journal prompts come in handy! Keeping a journal is an excellent way to practice mindfulness on a regular basis. The following mindfulness journal prompts will encourage you to slow down for just a few minutes each day and take stock of your life – without stressing about tomorrow or dwelling on yesterday.

94 Mindfulness Journal Prompts

Do I hate anyone? If so, why? Could I let that hate go?

Open Prompt

Who do I need to forgive in my life? What feelings am I holding onto from the past?

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What do I need to forgive myself for? How can I start that process?

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What do I fear most in life?

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Are there any work problems I am trying to sort out now?

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What made me cry today?

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What is one good thing that happened to me today?

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What is one of my favorite ways to spend time with my child(ren)?

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What causes me stress or anxiety during the holidays? What could I do to make it better?

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What is one bad thing that happened to me today?

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If I could change one thing about yesterday, what would it be?

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What is one change I would like to make to my morning routine?

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What has surprised me so far on this trip?

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What is one thing my child(ren) did today that I want to remember?

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What is something I will never travel without again?

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What is a challenge I faced today as a parent? How did I deal with it?

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What thoughts did I have today that I wish I didn't have?

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Who do I love in my life?

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What are ways I can wind down and relax before sleep?

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What do I find the most challenging about being a parent?

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What reasons cause me to eat besides hunger?

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What can I change about my bedtime routine to have a more restful sleep?

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What obstacles do I face in taking better care of myself? How can I overcome one of them?

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Am I comfortable with my current work-life balance? If not, what can I do to improve it?

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I am most proud of . . .

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How do I deal with feeling unmotivated?

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Am I dwelling on anything right now?

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Is there something I feel guilty about?

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In what area of my life do I wish I had more autonomy?

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Do I miss anything from home?

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What is a physical feature of mine that I like?

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What is one of my favorite hobbies, and why?

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What is a problem I have noticed at work recently? What could I do to solve it?

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What would I like to subtract from my life in the new year?

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Was there anything in my day that made me angry?

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What small or big win in my work can I celebrate today?

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What is something I can do for myself today?

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Was there anything in my day that made me thankful?

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What can I be thankful for that I take for granted in my day-to-day life?

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What made me laugh today?

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What do I want to take from today into tomorrow?

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What is one moment that I repeatedly go back to, and why?

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What is one way I think journaling could improve my life?

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What is one change I would like to make to my evening routine?

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What is one habit I currently have that I would like to get rid of in the new year?

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What is something I can thank myself for?

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What personal needs am I sacrificing to meet the needs of others?

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What are ways I can practice self-care daily?

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What is the best thing that happened today?

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What do I most enjoy about the holidays?

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Is there anyone that deserves a big "thank you"?

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How am I feeling on the way to my destination?

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How does my significant other make me feel loved?

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What is something that is limiting me from accomplishing what I want to accomplish?

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Am I happy with my work-from-home environment? Why or why not?

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What relationship do I need to work on, and how can I start that process?

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What made me smile today?

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What am I grateful for at work?

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What activity, behavior, or perspective did I discover on my trip that I would like to adopt back home?

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Who is someone I would like to treat better?

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What is one bad spending habit I can try to eliminate?

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Is the life that I am living the life I want?

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What is something I am good at? What makes me good at it?

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What do I want to let go of in the new year?

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On what do I spend too much money?

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Why did I choose this destination for my trip?

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What is one of my favorite aspects of being a parent?

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What are my three biggest distractions right now, and how can I reduce them?

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What do I least enjoy about the holidays?

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Did I learn anything about myself while on the trip?

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What is one way that technology enhances my productivity?

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What would I do tomorrow if I had a free day?

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What were my first impressions of the destination?

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What is something I love now that I could never have imagined I would like in the past?

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If I had one day left to live, what would I do on that day?

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What am I grateful for today?

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What is something I do not like about my living environment? How could I change it?

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With whom do I need to set boundaries?

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If my flight got delayed and I had one more day at my destination, how would I spend it?

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What is something I worry about that is outside of my control?

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When do my significant other and I have the most fun?

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When am I most at peace?

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What do I need to leave behind from the past year?

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How does my car make my life better?

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How does my pet make my life better?

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What is the first thought that came into my mind this morning?

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Was there anything in my day that made me excited?

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What would make my younger self proud of me now?

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Who did I feel close to today, even for only a moment?

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What is something that can instantly disrupt a good mood and bring me down?

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What is something I am grateful for about myself?

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What music am I thankful to be able to listen to, and why?

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What difficult thoughts or emotions come up frequently for me?

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What is one thing I admire about my significant other?

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